Operations Consulting

When your drone operations enable your business and you need to manage them effectively

Operations Consulting

When your drone operations enable your business and you need to manage them effectively

As drones are becoming more affordable and capable, lots of organization have started to build in-house drone operations. Many of these programs have grown organically, enabling internal teams of field engineers to use drones in their work. Frequently, their initial focus has been ensuring that drone operations and its deliverables work properly and are applicable for the targeted work scenario.

However, as organizations start to rely on the drone operations, they expect them to seamlessly integrate with other organizational processes and start to demand much higher levels of quality, efficiency and control.

If such requirements are not recognized and addressed in good time, they can rapidly become very complex and cause a lot of frustration and lost opportunities, consequently leading to bad perception of the entire drone program within the organization. Similar scenario was seen in many IT organizations decades ago. Even today its effects often cause challenges for those organizations.

To ensure long term success and optimize the value of its drone operations an organization needs to manage various issues and topics, such as the following.

Business Relationships

How do we effectively communicate with the business and keep agreeing on what quality of service should/can/do we provide?

How do we explain the value of our drone program and secure adequate budgets required for the operations and developments?


Do we know what are the key streams and components of our drone program and who is responsible for each component

What are the elements of cost of our drone program and how can we control them?


Do we effectively manage our geographically dispersed fleet of drones and accompanying equipment?

How can we make sure that we have enough capacity when needed without unnecessary overspending and commitment?

Risk & Safety

How do we manage business risks that we are exposed to due to our drone operations?

How do we prove to the regulator that we know what we are doing so that they allow us to operate drones in complex scenarios?


How do we make sure that all the teams in the field operate to the same standards of safety and efficiency?

How do we manage our fleet of drones and make sure that a change would not cause unexpected changes and accidents?


How do we make sure that our drone operations do not depend on the knowledge that only a few experts have?

Do we use events and incidents as learning opportunities for the entire organization?

How can we help?

We use our experience with service management for enterprise IT as well as manned and unmanned aviation to help customers assess their current practices, compare them with industry best practices, understand risks to which they are exposed due to the gaps and understand the benefits and prioritize improvement actions. Finally, we help them plan and implement the improvements.

Our offerings fit into the continual improvement cycle of service management:

Drone Operations Assessment

Structural assessment of  tactical and operational customer practices related to usage of drones, comparison with best practices, identification of gaps and risks.


On site multiple interviews with key stakeholders and review of the existing documentation and reports

Knowledge transfer during the interviews; all the questions and impacts of different answers are explained in detail

Reporting (off-site)

Drone Roadmap Creation Workshop

A series of workshops that assist customers in formulation of needs and ambitions, identification and prioritization of optimal solutions and building of the improvement roadmap


Series of facilitated brainstorming exercises – attended by all the key stakeholders

Process Improvement Accelerators

Kick start the process improvement; identify goals, define the outline of the future process, assign responsibilities agree on metrics

Activities (worhshops):

Presentation of relevant best practices

Roles and responsibilities review

Process flow (re)design sessions

Goals and targets review

Process testing and design updates

Next steps planning and reporting


Listed activities typically focus on one or several very related processes. In case where multiple processes need to be addressed, multiple Process Improvement Accelerators need to be scheduled (in sequence).  Commonly addressed processes are:

Business relationship and service level management

Risk management

Safety management

Operations management

Knowledge management

Configuration & maintenance

Financial management

Continual Improvement Support

Custom engagement framework for organizations that need regular consulting to support their improvement program or for on-demand knowledge transfer

Activities (non-exhaustive list):

Trainings and knowledge transfer

Process monitoring, improvement recommendation and redesign

Improvement plan facilitation or management

Ongoing process management (e.g. risk manager)

Ad hoc consultation

Regular visits or remote answers on demand

Frequently asked questions

The described packaged engagements:

  • target particular process or related group of issues thus enabling you to prioritize and focus on improvements that bring you the most important benefits
  • are short in duration and therefore easy to budget for and fit in the schedule
  • can be delivered as a stand-alone engagement to address a particular need or as a part of series of engagements that facilitate long term growth and improvement
  • are adapted to the specific customer’s environment – we do not use an empty template as the final deliverable
  • can provide help in all the phases – from initial assessment and planning through process improvement activities and as a continual support and improvement
  • are based on experiences used to help numerous customers worldwide to improve their service management practices

The approach is scalable and it can be fitted to organizations of different sizes and maturity, however, it will be the most beneficial for organizations with larger and relatively complex drone operations. For smaller organizations and those that are just starting we recommend our Adoption Accelerator packages.

Any new process can introduce additional steps and work but the ultimate goal is always to make you more effective and to support your overall business better. We share experiences about all best practices but, ultimately, we only recommend the changes that make sense for your organization’s ambitions, needs and capabilities.

We aim to deliver all the packaged engagements with a predefined duration and with similar set of activities and deliverables. Such approach, which is based on compact and focused engagements, has proved to be very effective as it enables customers to promptly target the biggest opportunities and keep the momentum of improvements. However, certain level of flexibility exists and we can adapt the detailed planning in line with the circumstances.

Yes. Our Continual Improvement Support package is fully customizable. Furthermore, through it you can have access to the same expertise and materials as in the packaged engagements but in a structure and schedule tailored fully to your particular needs. 

Typically, we set a fixed price for the entire engagement based on its scope and agreed deliverables. That way we can be predictable about the cost of the engagement and enable you to assess its value in advance.

No. Scoping and sizing of a package are regarded as presales activity and not charged. 

At the moment we work mainly in English language. 

UAS Consulting SPRL

Rue Jourdan 85
1060 Bruxelles

IBAN: BE95 7350 4520 9058

VAT: BE0672.602.156

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